Resident’s celebrate May birthdays at Trinity Mission
Laura McNeely turned 101 years old May 12th. (Cindy Sutherland)
Birthday celebrations are here again for the residents of Trinity Mission. And of course they were celebrated with their usual flare, serving ice cream and cake for everyone.
This month it was an all girl’s birthday celebration, not one male resident had a birthday this month. Not that anyone is counting but I think the girls are ahead in the birthday department!
The birthday girls this month are: Evelyn Paulk, Susie Thompson, Laura McNeely, Beverly Carter, Laverne Lewis and May Martin.
Laura McNeely’s birthday was May 12th and she turned 101 and can’t wait for next year’s birthday. Susie Thompson’s birthday was May 11th. She said, " I turned 87 this year, I can’t believe it but I sure am glad I did!".
Another great birthday celebration at Trinity Mission.