North Texas Food Bank Visited by Stafford Students
Stafford Elementary’s gifted and talented and student council students were glad they were able to help other kids. (Cindy Sutherland)
Last Thursday Stafford Elementary’s gifted and talented and student council students took a field trip to the North Texas Food Bank. What they did there has made a wonderful impression on these students.
These students were in awe of the huge warehouse, large walk- in freezer and all the food. They were also pretty excited about three huge fans that they named peaches, apples and oranges. But these students were there to work and work they did. They opened boxes and sorted 5,476 pounds of food creating 180 boxes and providing 4,563 meals to hungry north Texans in need. If not for the volunteers offering their time and energy some north texan kids would be going without.
When asked how they felt knowing what they were doing was helping other children the comments were: “Pretty cool to know that even if we are kids we still make an impact on people’s lives,” “It felt really good to have fun helping others,” and “I got a tingling feeling knowing I was helping other kids.”
Leave it to Stafford Elementary to be teaching students about helping others. Another great day of learning at Stafford Elementary!