Letter from Principal Joffre regarding school supply lists


Junior High and High School parents,

In an effort to thoroughly communicate with our parents we posted the school supply list on the ItalyNeotribune and mailed home a copy of the list to your address. During this process, we made a mistake.

We had adjusted the list to exclude items that were not necessary. That list was posted on the ItalyNeotribune (Italy High School/Junior High School supply lists for the 2013-2014 school year).

The list that was mailed was the incorrect list. Please discard the list that was mailed to you.

We will have copies of the correct list printed and left at the superintendent’s office. You can also print the list from the ItalyNeotribune.

We apologize for this error. Our intent was to be helpful.

Please call Mr. Joffre at 972-483-3233 to voice your concerns.
Thank you.