Kim Varner is up for the challenge
Kim Varner is excited to be working at Stafford Elementary. (Cindy Sutherland)
After working at the Italy high school for twenty some years in various positions, Kim Varner now works at Stafford Elementary as the secretary to the principal. She misses her “kids” at the high school but is excited about taking on this new challenge at the elementary.
The change came about when superintendent Barry Bassett asked Kim if she would consider going over to Stafford Elementary and taking the position of secretary to the principal. Kim said, “I am a real people person and I enjoy a challenge so this was perfect for me. I am really excited.”
I asked Kim how she felt about working at the elementary school opposed to working at the high school and she said, “I am really enjoying the elementary, there is more interaction with the parents and the students. And of the course the kids just melt your heart. I thought I was busy at the high school — no, I am busy here, really busy and I love it. There are more students here and every day is different, never the same.”
She went on to say, “I think Italy has a very good school system and Stafford Elementary Rocks! Working for principal Nash is great. He is awesome, he is a keeper. I really enjoy working with him.”
Kim and Steve Varner just celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary. They have one daughter, Jill. Jill is fourteen years old and is in the 8th grade at Italy ISD. Kim said, " She is the love and the light of our life, she is a blessing from God."
In her spare time you will find Kim working jigsaw puzzles, riding her bike or swimming.
“I am excited to be at Stafford Elementary, love the challenge and love the kids,” explained Kim Varner.