Stafford Elementary celebrates Thanksgiving
These pre-K students are really enjoying their dessert. (Cindy Sutherland)
You have heard of Deck the Halls with Boughs of Holly, well Stafford Elementary decked their halls with tables of food! As you went down several of the halls you saw lots of tables with green beans, chicken nuggets, fresh carrots, turkey, sweet potatoes, macaroni and cheese and so much more and we haven’t even mentioned all the tables overflowing with desserts.
The students were lined up around the tables waiting with anticipation to try out all the goodies on the tables. Smiles could be seen everywhere.
This Thanksgiving celebration was complete with turkeys and Indians. They lined the halls watching all the students and teachers enjoying the feast. I am talking about all the hand colored pictures of Indians and cleverly made turkeys hanging on the walls. Stafford students are really talented.
The parents have out done themselves this year with all the yummy fixins’ they brought to make the Thanksgiving celebration a success. Mrs. Morgan (1st grade teacher) said, “Kuddos to the parents this year as always they have brought so much food. They even brought chicken nuggets and lots of homemade goodies and on top of all that they stayed to help serve up the food.”
Mrs. Aguado (pre-K teacher) was also very impressed and she said, “The parents put together a spread I would be proud to serve my family, really good food.”
Once again it is another fun filled day at Stafford Elementary!