Italy students compete in San Antonio
Pictured here: Master Charles Kight-Chief Instructor of the school, Javier Gonzalez, Michael Gonzalez, Michael Russell, and Nick Sam all of Italy and Danny Smith-Sparring Instructor and David Jones-Instructor.
Students, several from Italy, traveled to San Antonio to compete in an invitational tournament hosted by Kim’s Academy in San Antonio. These students were from the Hillsboro Unified Tae Kwon Do School located at 125 W Elm-Hillsboro, Texas. Four of these students returned home with trophies they earned in patterns as well as sparring.
Classes are taught each Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at 4:45. 5:45 and 6:45 p.m. If you would like an informational packet and DVD about the school please call 254-582-5111 or email [email protected]. The first two classes are free and parents are always welcome. You might also want to check out our web-site