Letter to the Editor: Questionnaire suggestion
I have noticed that the candidates for School Board Members rarely if ever, mention their responsibility to the tax payer, it the ones that through their propery tax make the School District possible. It seems to me that the questions for the candidates and current School Board members should be expanded to include something similar to the below.
In that it is the tax paying property owners of the district are a primary funder of the school district –
1- Are you a property owner in the District ?
2- Describe your responsibilities to the tax paying property owners?
3- Would you describe your candidacy as being representative of the tax paying property owners?
Thank you
Richard E Beason
From the Editor:
We appreciate this suggestion and will certainly update our questionnaires in the future with this type of questioning. Unfortunately, all questionnaires for the 2014 elections have already been sent to the candidates. Perhaps, the 2014 candidates will take your suggestion to heart and will voluntarily answer your questions this year.
We welcome any citizen’s suggestions regarding our questionnaires.
Mr. Beason, we thank you for your comment.
Mike South