Letter to the Editor

Before I filed to seek a seat on the Italy City Council, I had prayed about it, thought about it and talked to several people I respect and trust including my husband, Brian.

I did not run because I was mad at anyone. I have been accused of being in one “camp” or the other, but I am not in any camp. I was also strongly warned that I needed to be careful who I hung around with. That made me realize if someone saw me as a threat, maybe I could be of some help to the City. I wanted to serve on the council because I thought I could help the city with my experience as a business office manager and a previous city employee. I also wanted to give the citizens a voice and someone that would listen to what they had to say.

I love Italy and the people here. I was born and raised here and have a vested interest in our community. This is one of the main reasons that the decision I had to make is so hard.

Last week, I realized due to a health issue, that I would not be able to serve effectively on the council if I were elected. I could continue in the race, but that would not be in the best interest of the citizens or me. Someone told me not to withdraw and just let the citizens decide. I cannot do that. It would not be fair or right. It is too late for my name to be removed from the ballot, so it will still be there when you vote.

It is hard for me to quit because that is not my nature, but I must withdraw from the council race because it is the best thing for me and for the city. I will continue to attend meetings as I can and volunteer as I can. I will still speak out as I have in the past. I encourage everyone to get out and vote on May 10th. I am also encouraging everyone that can to attend the council meetings and become involved in our city government.

I want to thank everyone that supported me and put their trust in me by that support. I would appreciate everyone’s prayers for my health and for the City of Italy leaders and employees.

Karen Maida Mathiowetz