IHS students represent Italy at Ellis County Art Association Art show
Italy Art Department ECAA Show Team 2014
During the recent Ellis County Art Association’s Art Show several Italy High School art students participated. The competition showcases original art by children that reside in Ellis County and are enrolled in public, private and home school grades k through twelve.
The Art Show was held April 21-25, 2014 in the ECAA Art Center in Waxahachie.
In addition to 1st, 2nd, 3rd place and Honorable Mention ribbons, the ECAA awards scholarships to graduating seniors as well. Italy High School senior, Joseph Sage was a 2nd place scholarship winner with his 1st place clay sculpture. IJHS 8th grader, Sarah Burrow received a 2nd place ribbon with her clay mask sculpture.
Congratulations to the following students for a job well done!
Luis Abundiz
Cody Boyd
Sarah Burrow
Garrett Cash
Josh Crawford
Kylee Dabney
Kaylee Durnell
Monserrat Figueroa
Wesley Helms
Coby Jeffords
Skylar Johnson
Felix Landeros
Kyle Mackovich
Corl McCarthy
Matthew Parra
Jorge Rodriguez
Joseph Sage
Martha Salazar
Halee Turner
Paige Westbrook