Milford serves lunches and smiles
John Lauhoff at Milford Senior Citizens Center getting lunch ready. (Cindy Sutherland)
The Milford Senior Citizens Center has been serving meals for as long as the residents can remember. And to this day they are still holding up their tradition of approximately 30 years of serving delicious hot lunches for seniors, friends and family.
The center is open every Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 1:00pm except for on holidays. They serve coffee in the morning and at 11:00am lunch is served. Let me give you just a ‘taste’ of what you can look forward to. Some of the favorites are baked chicken breast, mashed potatoes, salad, carrots, dessert and rolls. Another is pot roast, carrots, potatoes, green salad, rolls and dessert. Sometimes they even have tacos and chili dogs. And all of this only costs you a $3.00 donation and $1.00 for coffee. Can’t beat that!
And if you can’t get there you can just give them a call at 972-493-2120 and someone will deliver your lunch to your door. How is that for service?
John Lauhoff has been helping out at the center serving up delicious lunches for a long time. He said, “I am glad to be able to do it. I don’t do it all by myself I have a lot of help from Anita Tune and others.”
Anita Tune started volunteering and filling in for John when the center was going to close because they were low on funds. She said, “I did not want to see the center close. It helps a lot of people and keeps our town close. I really love doing it.”
Not only do they serve coffee and lunches everyday they also have a pancake breakfast on the first Saturday of each month. You will have a good old fashioned pancake breakfast that consists of pancakes (of course), bacon, sausage, juice and coffee. All money raised from the breakfast helps the seniors with day-to-day expenses.
Margaret Horton was also a volunteer at the center, she started helping when she was 77 years old and stopped about ten years ago! She is now 96 years old and still goes to the center to eat lunch and spend time with her friends and family. She was born and raised in Milford, TX and is proud of it!
Milford citizen Arveal Wimbish said, “ We used to play dominoes at the center and we are trying to start that up again. We also are going to start serving cinnamon rolls with coffee in the morning. You don’t have to stay and eat them, you can pick them up and be on your way. You might say ‘a roll to go.’”
Arveal went on to say, “ This lunch is not just for the citizens of Milford. We would love to have citizens from Italy, Avalon, and other surrounding towns. Everyone is invited! We also suggest you call us at 972-483-2120 the day before or before 9:00am the day you want to eat lunch so that enough food is prepared.”
So come and enjoy a wonderful meal with old friends and make some new ones!