Beanies, Gloves and headbands for sale thru Italy Baseball; Get Warm!
Bbbuuurrrr!!! Don’t be left out in the cold without your Gladiator gear. Let’s get warmed up for our JV/Varsity Baseball Season with spirit beanies, gloves and headbands available for purchase thru Italy Baseball! Please return completed order form and payments to Mrs. Ballard at the Italy High School front office. DEADLINE to order is Friday, December 5, 2014. (Submitted photo)
Brrrrrr!!! Don’t be left out in the cold without your Gladiator gear. Let’s get warmed up for our JV/Varsity Baseball Season with spirit beanies, gloves and headbands available for purchase thru Italy Baseball!
Please return completed order form and payments to Mrs. Ballard at the Italy High School front office.
Product line:
- Beanie — $15.00
- Gloves — $15.00
- Headbands — $12.00
- Beanie/Gloves — $20.00
- Headlines/Gloves — $18.00
Color options: Black or Gray
Glove sizes: S, M, L, XL
>> DEADLINE to order is Friday, December 5, 2014 <<