Order your Lady Gladiator Basketball playoff shirt by Monday, February 16
Playoff shirts are available to order for the Lady Gladiators upcoming Area basketball game. Orders need to placed by Monday, February 16. The shirts will be here in time for the Area Playoff game. Orders may be placed with any of the players or coaches. Shirt are $15 up to a size 3XL. Sizes over 3XL will cost $18.00.
You may also place your order with Mrs. Kelli Ballard at the high school. Checks need to be made out to Italy ISD. (Submitted photo)
Italy Lady Gladiator Playoff Shirts:
Playoff shirts are available to order for the Lady Gladiators upcoming Area basketball game. Orders need to placed by Monday, February 16. The shirts will be here in time for the Area Playoff game. Orders may be placed with any of the players or coaches. Shirt prices are as follows:
- Shirts are $15 up to a size 3XL
- Sizes over 3XL will cost $18.00
You may also place your order with Mrs. Kelli Ballard at the high school. Checks need to be made out to Italy ISD.
Please contact Coach Fullmer at the high school if you have any questions at [email protected]