Italy High School students clean up at Ellis County Creative Arts Contest
Grand champion –Rhett Hoegger
On Tuesday, April 7th Italy High School Art Students competed in the Ellis County Youth Expo Creative Arts Contest. Forty-one students participated with a total of 78 works of art in the competition.
The ECYE Creative Arts Contest has 4 student divisions and our students competed in the Intermediate (Ages 11-13) and Senior (Ages 14-19 and a senior in high school). All Entries were judged on its own merits against a standard of excellence not against other entries.
These student entries and more will be featured in the lobby of the Italy Community Center during voting times on April 27, 2015 – May 9, 2015. On Monday, May 11, Italy Art Students, Parents and the Community are invited to a Closing Night Reception and Awards Ceremony from 6:30pm – 9:00 pm.
Italy HS results at the Ellis County Youth Expo Creative Arts Contest and student pictures are included in the image captions.