Italy HS Senior vs. Junior Powder Puff game: 9/29. Shirt orders due by: 9/22.
The Italy HS 2016 Junior vs. Senior Powder Puff football shirt orders will be due Thursday, September 29 at the latest. The cost of the shirts will be $15.00 each. Player and Cheerleader names will be listed on the back of the shirt. Contact Heidi Crawford at [email protected] to place your shirt order. (Submitted photo)
The Italy HS 2016 Junior vs.Senior Powder Puff football game will be played on Thursday, September 29, immediately following the Jr. High football game.
Shirt orders will be due Thursday, September 29 at the latest.
The cost of the shirts will be $15.00. Player and Cheerleader names will be listed on the back of the shirt.
Contact Heidi Crawford at [email protected] to place your shirt order.