Rocklin Ginnett earns Black Belt
Rocklin Ginnett with Master Charles Kight, Luis and Grand Master BuKwon Park, co founder of Unified Tae Kwon Do.
On September 13, 2013 Rocklin along with his dad and mom came to visit the Hillsboro Unified Tae Kwon Do School located at 125 W Elm-Hillsboro. After participating in a few free classes Rocklin decided martial arts was for him.
In the past 3 three years Rocklin has competed in many tournaments and has brought home lots of trophies. He has also earned several 3 and 4 foot trophies in the academic program offered by the Hillsboro Unified Tae Kwon Do School.
On September 10th 2016 the big day came and Rocklin was eligible to test for his Black Belt in Houston, Texas. It was a rather scary day with a panel of 15 Masters and Grand Masters from all over Texas including Master Charles Kight, chief instructor of the Hillsboro School, judging him.
After performing patterns reciting pattern meanings, breaking boards and sparring Rocklin returned home with a Black Belt to show for his determination to earn a Black Belt.
Rocklin has decided to continue his martial arts education and is working toward his 2nd degree Black Belt.
Hillsboro Unified Tae Kwon Do School