Boil order in effect for all of Italy

Due to a large water line break, and the lack of water pressure, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) has required our water system (City of Italy PWS ID # 0700028) to notify customers of the need to boil their water prior to consumption.

Boil order cancelled


The boil order that was put into effect in Italy yesterday has now been cancelled. It is no longer necessary to boil the water as the testing results on the water show no harmful bacteria or other microbes.

Boil order in effect for parts of Italy

Image: Boil Order Notice — This notice was posted on many houses up and down the effected streets.

Due to the water main break that we suffered last night, a boil order has been put into effect in parts of Italy. The streets that are effected are: Cheri, Rhonda, Chad, Hyles, N. Couch (by the cemetery), and Dallas St. If you are in these areas take precautions to clean your water before consuming it.

City Working Hard on Water Leak

Yesterday, around 3:00 PM the city of Italy had three water leaks spring up in town. They were located on North Ward street, behind the parts store and the one they are still working on is by the cemetery.

City of Italy Park Board Meeting

The Park Board Committee met Tuesday evening April 7th, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Italy City Hall. Members present were: Stephanie Wilson, Susan Harris, Bruce Utley, Jason Escamilla and Janet Campbell.

Terri Murdock – City Administrator for Italy

Image: City Administrator Terri Murdock — “I love working here in Italy, Texas. Everyone is so friendly and welcoming.”

Terri Murdock loves her job as city administrator for the City of Italy, “I love the city, I love the old downtown area, there are some beautiful old houses here. All of the people that I have met have been extremely nice, warm and welcoming and that is great, really great.”

City to repair Park Street; tables White Street

The Italy City Council approved the repaving of Park Street at a work session held Monday evening. The council approved the refurbishing of the south end of Poplar Street at its regular meeting held in February. They group tabled repairs to Park Street and White Street until the work session.

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City’s fire rating improves

The Italy City Council heard good news Monday night at its monthly meeting. Don Chambers, fire chief, said the Insurance Service Office has reclassified the City of Italy from a Class 7 to a Class 5.

Local firemen honored at annual banquet

Image: Italy firemen honored — Our local volunteer fire department was honored Monday night at the Uptown Cafe.  Each man was given an award for service.

Family and friends gathered at the Uptown Cafe as the ESD #3, Italy Fire Chief, Don Chambers and Captain Jackie Cate honored the local firemen at an appreciation dinner Monday night. Each volunteer was given an award for years of service.