AIM FOR SUCCESS, Inc. coming to Italy ISD

Aim for Success, Inc., will present their nationally acclaimed program to the students and parents of Italy ISD. The Aim For Success motivational programs have educated over two million teens, parents and educators across America during the past 18 years on topics such as abstinence education, drug prevention and anti-bullying.

Italy Superintendent Update: December 19, 2016


The Italy ISD School Board approved a resolution outlining their top legislative priorities entering the 2017 Texas Legislative Session. The passing of this measure is the latest in a collective effort by the superintendents and school boards of Region 10 to communicate the top areas of interest that stand to impact the students they collectively serve.

Italy ISD 2016 Accountability Reports


Attached are the 2016 Accountability Reports for Italy Independent School District. Both of the campuses Met Standard as measured by The Texas Education Agency. Congratulations to Italy High School for earning 4 Distinction Designations as measured by the Texas Education Agency.