Burn ban lifted

Due to recent soaking rains, as well as the need of many residents to safely and efficiently dispose of downed trees and other plant debris after the storms, Commissioners voted unanimously to rescind a ban on outdoor burning approved at the April 26 meeting.

Citizens’ Advisory Board on Redistricting held first meeting

Having grown rapidly during the last decade – from 111,360 in the 2000 Census to 149,610 in the 2010 Census – Ellis County must draw new lines for its commissioner precincts. The redistricting process must adhere first to the Constitutional provision for equal protection – commonly referred to as “One Man, One Vote” – but must also meet the provisions of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Upcoming elections for Milford and Italy

Important elections are coming up May 14, 2011 for the Italy and Milford communities. Italy voters have crucial decisions to make in both the mayoral and school board elections as well as a proposition. In Milford there are two council positions needing to be filled.

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Mayor’s Egg Hunt a success

Image: Special Delivery — The Easter Bunny (E.B.) took a minute from his busy egg coloring schedule to help the Mayor at the egg hunt.

The Easter Bunny made an appearance at the Upchurch Field on Saturday much to the delight of over 125 children of Italy. Special Delivery in the Italy Fire Department’s fire truck, E.B. came to help with the festivities. Hiding eggs is his specialty and this time was no different.

County approves ban on outdoor burning

With high winds and an equally high load of combustible plant life, along with the longest persistent drought in recent history, the Ellis County Commissioners’ Court voted unanimously to enact a ban on outdoor burning, effective for 90 days.

2011 Mayoral Candidate Questionnaire: Nik Kinze

I want to make the Italy of tomorrow, better than Italy when it was in its heyday. If you want things to keep going like they have been, then I am NOT your candidate. If you are happy to have the Ellis County Observer digging up the dirt from Italy and splashing it all over the internet, then again, I am not the person you should elect. I want to make Italy’s government open and transparent. I want to get more people involved. The government is for the people, by the people.

Land use permit being sought for sludge dump site on Hamrock Road

Image: Proposed Permit – page 1

Terra Renewal Services, Inc., of Russellville, Arkansas has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for a proposed beneficial land use permit to authorize the land application of wastewater treatment plant sludge and water treatment sludge for beneficial use on approximately 621.5 acres south of Italy.


Agenda: Higher Education Facilities Corporation, April 21, 2011

Image: Agenda

The Higher Education Facilities Corporation will meet on Thursday, April 21. Meeting time is 5:30pm in the Council Chambers of the Italy Municipal Building located at 105 Main Street, Italy. Council members, Joan Grabowski, Theresa Cockran, Tom Little , Elmerine Bell, Albert Garcia Sr., Danny Jennings, and John Droll will hear a presentation by Dan Pleitz of Naman, Howell, Smith & Lee, L.L.P., on the Clariden School Project.

City of Italy: Notice to Bidders

The City of Italy, Texas will receive sealed proposals for a demolition project. Demolition contractors must attend a mandatory pre-bid conference on Tuesday, April 19, 2011 at 2:00 pm at the job site, 100 & 108 E. Main, Italy, Texas. Plans and Specifications may be obtained from the Project Consultant at the pre-bid conference for a non refundable fee of $50.00 payable to Gary Burton Engineering, Inc. (F-2812). Prospective bidders must notify Ms. Mary Andrews (903-534-5001) of their intention to attend the pre-bid conference, to be assured of receiving a copy of the Plans and Specifications.

Interim Purchasing Agent appointed

After a short executive session during Monday’s regularly-scheduled meeting of the Ellis County Commissioners’ Court, Commissioners voted unanimously to appoint Hanna McCleary as the interim Purchasing Agent.

2011 School Board Candidate Questionnaire: Mark W. Stiles

My name is Mark W. Stiles and I was born in Houston, Texas. I have two children, Ross (11th grade) and Emily (9th grade) that attend Italy High School. I also have two grandchildren, Kirstin Viator (5th grade) and Easton Viator (kindergarten) that attend Stafford Elementary.

City council prepares for upcoming election

Early voting for the Italy City Council and school board of trustees will be May 2-10 at city hall council chambers. Extended voting hours — from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. — will be Tuesday, May 3, and Tuesday, May 10. Election Day is Saturday, May 14, in the same location.

Agenda: Italy Park Board Meeting, April 5, 2011


The City of Italy Park Board will have their monthly meeting today, Tuesday, April 5, 2011. The meeting will be held in the Council Chambers of the Italy Municipal Building at 105 West Main Street, Italy. Meeting time is 5:30pm. The agenda slates discussions regarding the upcoming easter egg hunt and election of secretary/treasurer.

Sale of County Buildings to Move Forward

After adjourning to executive session near the end of Monday’s regularly scheduled meeting to consult with county attorneys, Ellis County Commissioners voted unanimously to authorize the County Judge to execute a contract of sale pertaining to the conveyance of all property located at 109 W. Franklin, 111 W. Franklin, 113 W. Franklin, 115 W. Franklin, 200 S. College Street, 114 S. Rogers Street, and an unnumbered lot on S. Rogers Street immediately adjacent to 115 W. Franklin in Waxahachie, Texas to Children’s Palace Investments, Inc., doing business as AZEB.

Purchasing Agent dismissed

Ellis County Commissioners met in a special session today, adjourning immediately into executive session to deliberate on personnel-related matters. After reconvening in open court, they voted unanimously to dismiss the Ellis County Purchasing Agent.

Agenda: Italy EDC Meeting, March 28, 2011

Image: Agenda

Monday, March 28, 2011, the Italy EDC will have their monthly meeting at 7:00pm in the Council Chambers of the Italy Municipal Building at 105 Main Street, Italy. The agenda slates items pertaining to a report from Grant Administrator Darryl Ratcliff and a proposed schedule of events for the demolition of the Italy Community Center property.

Agenda: Italy Park Board Meeting, March 1, 2011

Image: Agenda

The City of Italy Park Board will have their monthly meeting today, Tuesday, March 1, 2011. The meeting will be held in the Council Chambers of the Italy Municipal Building at 105 West Main Street, Italy. Meeting time is 5:30pm. The agenda slates discussions regarding the recent Christmas Festival and proposed future projects.

Agenda: Italy EDC Meeting, February 28, 2011

Image: Agenda

Today, February 28, 2011, the Italy EDC will have their monthly meeting at 7:00pm in the Council Chambers of the Italy Municipal Building at 105 Main Street, Italy. Agenda items include discussion and action consideration of a proposal by grant administrator and discussion and action consideration of letter writing campaign in support of Italy Post Office.

City council sets election for May 14

The Italy City Council approved an ordinance calling for a general election May 14 for the purpose of electing a mayor and two council members for terms of two years and calling for a special election for the reauthorization of the local sales and use tax. The rate is one-fourth of one percent that will continue providing revenue for maintenance and repair of municipal streets.

Driving Simulator Improves Employee Safety

The Texas Association of Counties is providing specialized safety training for Ellis County employees this month, utilizing a driving simulator that offers county employees a unique experience to prepare for unexpected driving situations.

Agenda: Italy Park Board Meeting, February 1, 2011

Image: Agenda

The City of Italy Park Board will have their monthly meeting (rescheduled from January 4 and January 18) on Tuesday, February 1, 2011 in the Council Chambers of the Italy Municipal Building (105 W. Main Street, Italy, Texas). Meeting time is 5:30pm. Agenda items include discussion of the recent Christmas Festival and project planning for 2011.