Gone but not forgotten

Image: Tree of Memories — This is the “Tree of Memories” before the angels were put on.

Friday night at Trinity Mission the staff members were holding their Tree of Memories Holiday service. The service was in remembrance of the residents that passed away this year, 2010.

Santa comes to town a top a fire engine

Image: Here Comes Santa Claus — Santa Claus has come to Milford on his fire engine for five years now.

In Milford it has become tradition for Santa Clause to come wish everyone Merry Christmas a top a beautiful red fire engine. The highway is cleared as the siren is sounded and lots and lots of Milford residents greet Santa.

Peri Patterson – Teacher with Heart

Image: Peri Patterson — Peri Patterson is well respected by her peers. To prove it she was awarded the “Teacher with Heart” award.

Peri Patterson has been teaching for about thirty years. She loves what she does and loves to help teach and nurture as many students as she can. She has been teaching at Stafford Elementary for approximately twenty five years, she has taught kindergarten and now teaches third grade and just loves Stafford Elementary. She was chosen for the “Teacher with Heart” award for the second six weeks of school.

Gladiator/Maverick’s ticket vouchers due now

Those who ordered Maverick’s tickets, in order to attend the Italy Gladiators vs the Mineral Wells Rams basketball game on December 30th at the American Airlines Center in Dallas take note. You need to pick up your tickets from the Italy ISD administration office by Thursday, December 16. Vouchers must be presented in order to pick up the tickets.

The Christmas spirit is evident right here

Image: One of the best — Texas Monthly says the Uptown Cafe is “one of the 40 best small-town cafes in Texas”.  Italy thinks so too.

Doris Mitchell and her crew are helping the community on Christmas Day and have done the same for years. Doris said, “We had 93 people come eat with us last year.” Italy residents that don’t have a family to share dinner with or just want to see a friendly face, can come to the Uptown Cafe on Main Street in downtown Italy and share in the potluck dinner being served.

Geminid meteor shower peaks tonight and tomorrow night


The Geminid meteor shower peaks this year on December 13th and 14th. Forecasters say meteor rates could exceed 100 per hour for observers under dark rural skies. For best results, start your meteor watch on Monday night, December 13th, around midnight.

IHS Art Department helps out

Image: Parade Float — The crew waiting in line to begin…… Hi Sierra and Destani!!!

On December 4th Santa’s Little Helpers were in town to help Santa and Mrs. Claus set up shop for their Christmas time visit to Italy, Texas. Santa’s Little Helpers joined forces with Italy High School’s Art Department to make the fireplace in order for Santa and Mrs. Claus to greet all the children of Italy in North Pole style.

First State Bank Angel Tree

Image: First State Bank Angel Tree — Come chose an angel off this tree and brighten someone’s Christmas.

Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas! Yes, it is that time again, Christmas time and this is the time for giving to those who are less fortunate. Italy’s First State Bank is trying to do just that by hosting an Angel Tree.

Milford Angel Tree

Image: Milford Angel Tree — Jeannie Richardson (president of Titus Women) and Maxine Morris (Vice president of Titus Women) are hoping that every child in Milford will have a present under their tree at Christmas.

Merry Christmas everyone! That is what the city of Milford wants for all the boys in girls in their town, to have a merry Christmas, hence, the Angel Tree.

Christmas Baskets To Be Delivered

The Italy Ministerial Alliance is gathering up its volunteers and rolling up its collective sleeves. On Saturday morning, Dec. 11, the Christian organization will deliver non-perishables, canned goods and a turkey to the needy citizens of Italy.

IHS reading marathon underway

Image: Casandra Jeffords participates in the IHS Reading Marathon — Casandra Jeffords enjoys a good book, popcorn and a drink while participating in the Italy High School Reading Marathon.

The sixth annual Reading Marathon is in full swing this week December 6-10 at the Italy High School Library! Students, faculty and staff are participating in a week-long event that has someone constantly reading in the “Reading Parlor” in the library from 8 a.m. Monday morning until school dismisses at 3:20 p.m. Friday, Dec. 10.

Lady Gladiator tournament brackets for the weekend

Image: Bracket: Varsity Tournament in Venus

The Lady Gladiator Varsity Basketball Team will travel to Venus tomorrow, December 9, for their first game in the Venus Subway Classic Basketball Tournament. Game time on Thursday will be 6:00pm. Coming off of their tournament championship last weekend these ladies have their sights set on another trophy. The Ladies’ JV team will play this Saturday, December 11, in a one-day tournament hosted by Itasca. See brackets.

Victron Energy lighting contest

Image: Christmas Spirit

When you look around our pretty little town you realize that Christmas is just around the corner. So many houses are all decked out for Christmas with beautiful lights and Christmas scenes. You don’t have to look too hard to find Santa and Frosty the Snowman.

Gladiator band members shine at East Zone All-Region Auditions

Eight 8th grade students participated in the all-region middle school band auditions last Friday, December 3rd. The contest included over 20 middle school feeders of 1a, 2a and 3a high schools. All participants were given the same audition pieces (a slow etude, a fast etude, and five scales) and were required to perform sections from their music for a panel of 5 judges.

Write a letter to Santa Claus

Image: Terry Adams — Terry Adams (Italy Post Master) is thrilled to have the children write letters to Santa Claus.

Do you remember writing letters to Santa? Do you remember the excitement it stirred inside you? It was such a fun thing to do and made you feel like you had a chance to get at least one thing on your Christmas wish list.

Meals-on-Wheels’ Essay wins grant money to help local seniors

Meals-on-Wheels of Johnson and Ellis Counties has just won a grant from the Meals On Wheels Association of America (MOWAA)/Subaru “Share the Love” grant program. The winning essay, which follows this news release, describes how clients are impacted by caring volunteers that deliver meals. With daily contact, volunteers help clients deal with the loneliness that many feel, especially during the holidays. In some cases, volunteers may be the only person they see all day, and many become friends.

Obituary: W. Odell Kelley, 1913 – 2010

Image: W. Odell Kelley, 1913-2010

W. Odell Kelley, age 97, of Italy, passed away Friday, December 03, 2010 at Trinity Mission Health and Rehab. He was born June 27, 1913 in Birome, Texas to W. O. and Etta McCrakken Kelley. Odell was a lifetime member of the Italy Church of Christ.

Journey through Texas

Image: Bethlehem Revisited — The Wisemen visit the Tax Collector in Bethlehem Revisited.  The journey back in time is the first two weekends in December-a wonderful family time event.

The fall of leaves and frost on the pumpkin reminds you the temperature is changing and the holidays are coming. Heat up the hot chocolate, light the fire and put carols on the stereo. There might even be a little time for traveling in the mix. Where could the winding paths of Texas take you?

Krispy Kreme Doughnuts at Cornerstone


Thank you to everyone who came Friday morning and bought Krispy Kreme Doughnuts to support our youth. We apologize for selling out of doughnuts so quickly and would like to prevent this from happening again by asking for pre-orders. If you would like to guarantee your doughnuts this Friday Morning December 10th, please pre-order.

“How bout them Tigers?”

Image: Honored Students — Congratulations Stafford’s Tiger of the Month!

What better way to encourage students to strive harder than giving them incentives such as “Tiger of the Month?” Who doesn’t want to go down the hall and see their picture up on the wall letting everyone know, “job well done?”. Well, that is what is happening at Stafford Elementary.

Gladiator Band Boosters and Athletic Boosters to meet December 1


There will be back to back meetings for the Gladiator Band Boosters and Gladiator Athletics Booster Clubs on Wednesday, December 1. Band Boosters will meet at 5:30pm followed by the Athletic Boosters at 6:00pm. These meetings will be held in the Italy High School Library. All supporters of the Italy High School Band and Athletics programs are welcomed to attend.

Class of 2015 giving away an iPad


The Italy ISD 8th grade class will be raffling off an iPad during the Italy Christmas Festival on December 4. Students are currently selling these chances and will also have them available during the festival.