School Board Candidate Questionnaire: Larry Eubank

I have been employed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture for the past 23 years. I serve as the County Executive Director of the Ellis County Farm Service Agency, working with all agricultural producers across Ellis County. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from the University of Houston.

Stafford students visit the “DQ” for lunch

Image: We’re Here! — Stafford students were ready for lunch at the “DQ”.

Wednesday around 11:00 am the big yellow Italy school bus from Stafford Elementary drove up to the Italy “DQ”. Lots of smiling faces and hungry pre-k and kindergarten students were ready for lunch. They had just spent the morning at the Italy City Park playing hard and having lots of fun.

Italy Lions Club BBQ Cook-off 2010

The Italy Lions Club wishes to thank the City of Italy for providing our location for our 2nd annual cook-off. The cook-off was a big success this year due to the citizens of Italy and surrounding communities as well as our sponsors.

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School Board Candidate Questionnaire: Danny Day

Image: Danny Day and son Peyton

I grew up in DeSoto, where I was a member of the graduating class of 1984. During the time I was in high school my family owned property between Italy and Frost, which we would come to on weekends. I moved to Italy in 1992. We built the Italy Daycare in 1986 and my mother was the owner/operator until 1996. I currently live between Italy and Frost.

Stafford Elementary fifth six-weeks honor assembly

Image: Second Graders — These second graders standing up tall kept all their “tiger paws” this past six weeks.

Carolyn Maevers (principal) started the assembly off by asking Stafford students, “Stafford Tigers are what?”, and the students replied, “number one.” Carolyn said, “You are! You are! Now we have started the assembly off right.” As always Ms. Maevers had lots of encouraging words for the Stafford students.

Local youth enjoy friendly competition

Image: Rules Explained — Murrie Wainscott explains the rules to the Royal Ambassadors while Brian Mathiowetz checks the weight of each car.

The Royal Ambassadors of Central Baptist Church enjoyed a night of fellowship, fun and friendly competition at the annual R.A. Racers event on April 14, 2010. A total of 18 cars were entered in the race and there were approximately 75 people in attendance to cheer for their favorite car.

Italy JV Keeps Swingin’

Image: Coach Ward  — The Italy JV played against Red Oak Life on Thursday night.

The Italy JV baseball team hosted Red Oak Life on Thursday night. This was their fourth game this season. The guys pooled their resources and managed to gain another win. The final score was Italy 13, Life 12.

Agenda: Italy City Council Called Meeting-April 26, 2010


There will be a called meeting of the Italy City Council on Monday, April 26, 2010 at 7:00pm. The meeting will be held in the Council Chambers of the Italy Municipal Building, 105 Main Street. Interviews of candidates for public works position is the lone agenda item for the meeting. The meeting is open to the public.

Earth Day at Avalon ISD

Image: Beautiful Flower Garden — Avalon second graders had a lot of fun planting their garden.

Earth Day is a day designed to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s environment. It was founded by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson as an environmental “teach-in” held on April 22, 1970. The second graders at Avalon ISD had fun celebrating Earth Day by planting a flower garden, a vegetable garden and getting closer to nature.

Vaccination Clinic on Saturday

From 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm on Saturday, April 24, the Brookside Veterinarian Clinic will host the annual vaccinations for area animals at the local water barn located at 413 Clark. Also, the city will register all cats and dogs at $12 each.

We Love Texas

Image: Welcome to our Show — Let the show begin!

There was quite the ho-down going on at Stafford Elementary Thursday morning around 8:30 am. Some of the cutest little second grade cow pokes you ever saw were ready and willing to sing their hearts out about their love of Texas and boy howdy, did they sing.

IHS Athletic Banquet planning meeting tonight

There will be a brief planning session for the 2010 IHS Athletic Banquet today, Thursday, April 22nd. The committee needs your help to ensure that the Gladiators and Lady Gladiators have the banquet they deserve. Please attend this meeting and lend a hand. The meeting will begin at 5:00 p.m. and will be over well before the JV baseball game that will begin at 6:30 p.m. Your help is greatly appreciated.

School Board Candidate Questionnaire: Jon Mathers

Image: Jon Mathers family

I have lived in Italy since 1971. My family and I live out in the country towards Frost. I attended both Italy ISD campuses, and walked the same halls that my children now walk. I own and operate a successful CDL Truck rental business that serves all of DFW

Italy Gladiators are district champs

Image: Coach Coker — Coach Matt Coker has been the Italy baseball coach for three years. The hard work has paid off.

“We are district champions!” Italy Gladiators yelled in unison. According to head coach Matt Coker, “We are first in our district in I don’t know how long.” The Gladiators battled Frost Polar Bears on Tuesday night for the number one seed and and they accomplished what they started out to do.

Stafford night at the ballpark

Image: I am so happy — You can’t get any better than this, Jacob Coers says.  He received a varsity t-shirt from one of his favorite players.

You are not going to believe what was going on at Davidson Field Friday night. There was face painting, bubbles blowing, t-ball hitting, softball toss, line dancing and cotton candy. There was even a hot dog eating contest at home plate after the second inning. It was none other than Stafford Night at the Ballpark.

Milligan receives scholarship

Image: Josh Milligan, Scholarship Recipient — Josh Milligan, Italy Class of 2010, was the awardee of the Kayrene Uehlinger Scholarship.

On Sunday, April 18, 2010, Joshua Milligan, son of Keith and Becky Milligan of Italy, was presented the 2010 Kayrene Uehlinger Scholarship at Central Baptist Church. Ronnie Clanton, a friend and classmate of Uehlinger, presented the scholarship on behalf of the Italy High School Class of 1968.

Lady Gladiator Softball team needs your support tonight

Image: Fans Support Will Be Greatly Appreciated!!!

Tonight the Lady Gladiator Softball team plays in Italy at 7:00pm. They will not have face painters, nor will there be a hot-dog eating contest; but what there will be is a great game against a respected rival, the Hubbard Lady Jaguars. This contest will determine the top spot in the district. It is all on the line tonight. Please come and support your Lady Gladiators as they battle for #1.

Stafford’s Big Top Circus

Image: The Cutest Ringmaster

Thursday night at 7:00 pm the Stafford Elementary’s lunch room was transformed into a live circus scene. Pre-k and kindergarten students were starring in the “Big Top Circus.” Everywhere you looked you saw the cutest little clowns, acrobats, stunt riders, elephants, jugglers, lions, tightrope walkers and we mustn’t forget the ringmaster.

Lady Gladiators dominate Dawson to remain in district hunt

Image: Cori & Casi — Sisters Cori and Cassi Jeffords did their part to help the Lady Gladiators overtake the Dawson Lady Bulldogs Friday in Dawson.

While it was “Stafford Night At The Ballpark” during the Gladiator baseball game back in Italy, it was “Lady Gladiators Night” at the ballpark in Dawson as Italy’s Darlings of the Diamond played softball toss, went slipping and sliding around the bases and participated in the loudest cheer challenge. The team even had a dugout dance contest with Coach Andrea Windham stealing 1st place.

Students from Italy represent our area well

Image: Trevor Mott — Trevor Mott makes selling a lamb look easy.

The Ellis County Expo came like a whirlwind, as it always does, and is gone in a flash. However, left standing were winners of all categories and levels. From pigs to shop projects, the students in Ellis County 4-H and FFA came from Ennis, Waxahachie, Palmer, Midlothian, Red Oak, Maypearl, Milford, Ferris, and, of course, Italy.

Italy Gladiator Baseball rises to a new level

Image: Anderson pitches about 75mph — One of the parents measured Jasenio’s fast pitch with a radar on Tuesday night against Waxahachie Advantage.  The Eagles only made one run against Anderson.

The Italy Gladiators met up with Waxahachie Advantage at the Waxahachie Athletic Complex on Tuesday night for their second district game. Italy dominated in both offense and defense. Jasenio Anderson pitched 3 innings before the game was called by run rule. The final score was Italy 19, Waxahachie Advantage 1.

Commissioners approve return to work policies

Ellis County Commissioners this morning approved revised personnel policies in keeping with a new push by County Judge Carol Bush to establish a return to work program that meets the needs of all elected officials and departments, which has already resulted in a significant reduction in the county’s 2010 Workers’ Compensation premiums.

Italy Track does well at district meet, must take a bus to Area

Image: Bales advances — Just a sophomore, Kaytlyn Bales makes the discus finals at the varsity level.

The Italy High School Varsity and JV Track Teams represented the old gold and white in style by turning in stellar performance during the District Track Meet in Hubbard last Thursday. In fact, Italy’s athletes were doing so well, it didn’t take head track coach Stephen Coleman long to realize the Gladiators would be taking a bus to the Area Meet in Alvarado.