Italy Athletic Booster Club Will Meet

On Monday, April 13 at 7:00 pm the Italy Athletic Booster Club will meet in the IHS library. The meeting is to discuss the upcoming athletic banquet which is scheduled for May 21 and to seek volunteers who are interested in helping. Everyone may attend.

Letter from Coach Robert Sollers

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the parents of all the Junior High kids who participated in Track this year. It was a great pleasure working with your children, and I am very proud of their success this season.

Obituary: Ronald Lane Cohagan, 1957 – 2009

Ronald Lane Cohagan, age 52, of Irving passed away on Sunday, April 5, 2009 at Baylor Health Center in Irving, Texas. He was born on January 3, 1957 in Waxahachie, to Donald L. and Marie (Herrin) Cohagan. Ronnie was raised in Italy, Texas where he attended High School. After graduation he attended Navarro Junior College, and the University of North Texas. He married Julie Chalfant December 14, 1984 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

IJH competes at District track meet

Image: The Italy Junior High is ready to race at the Distirct meet — The 7th grade girls earned 3rd place, the 7th grade boys took 3rd place, the 8th grade girls won 7th place and the 8th grade boys finished in 4th place against Italy’s district competition Tuesday in Hubbard.

The Italy Junior High Track teams finished their season at the District track meet in Hubbard. Fighting the bitter cold and an undersized rosters, the 7th grade girls and boys along with the 8th grade girls and boys teams ran circles around the competition.

Agenda: Italy Park Board Meeting

Image: Park Board Meeting Agenda, April 7, 2009

The seven member City of Italy Park Board will meet on Tuesday, April 7, 2009. Agenda items include drawing for terms of office, discuss and consider action regarding planning for the Easter Egg Hunt and discussion of plans for new park equipment. The meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at Italy City Hall. This meeting is scheduled to begin at 6:30 and is open to the public.

Stafford Elementary Early Sign Ups

Image: Stafford Elementary — This is the place to get your children registered for school for the next year.

It is that time of year again. It is Round-Up time! Italy ISD will have early childhood, pre kindergarten and kindergarten round-up to enroll children who will be eligible for classes for the 2009 – 2010 school year. The roundup will be by appointment only.

Meals-on-Wheels Kicks Off Kitchen Campaign with Event

Image: Dancing “Under the Stars”

Despite blustering winds and cooler temperatures, revelers came out in record numbers to support Meals-on-Wheels “Night Under the Stars” Kickoff Celebration for the non-profit organization’s Kitchen Campaign, Saturday, March 28 at the TXI Railport in Midlothian. The event was held in at the site where the new multi-use facility will be built, centrally located in the heart of Johnson and Ellis Counties.

Joining the movement to cure arthritis

Arthritis is a serious and sometimes deadly disease. Today, 1 in 5 people suffer from the pain of arthritis. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) projects that by the year 2030, 67 million people in the U.S. or 1 in 4 adults, will live with arthritis.

What’s all the racket about?

Image: Darrin Moore excels on the tennis court

The Italy Tennis Team hosted a scrimmage at the newly refurbished Italy tennis courts on Wednesday. The teams were looking good as they played both doubles and singles matches as under the watchful eye of Coach Dana Hamby.

Terri Murdock – City Administrator for Italy

Image: City Administrator Terri Murdock — “I love working here in Italy, Texas. Everyone is so friendly and welcoming.”

Terri Murdock loves her job as city administrator for the City of Italy, “I love the city, I love the old downtown area, there are some beautiful old houses here. All of the people that I have met have been extremely nice, warm and welcoming and that is great, really great.”

Gladiators Cage the Eagles

Image: One big whack to centerfield — Ethan Simon hit one straight into centerfield at the bottom of the first and brought Buck in for a score.

On Tuesday night Italy hosted Avalon in a district game at Davidson Field. Both teams were ready to play until the end. They never gave up. With the ending score of 13-3 at the top of the 5th, however, the Gladiators were able to put another mark in the win column.

Easter Celebration at Italy First Baptist Church

Image: Pastor Ronnie Dabney — Pastor Dabney hopes the community will come get involved in their Easter program.

Saturday April 11th, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Italy First Baptist Church is presenting their Easter program, All Heaven and Earth. “You will walk the streets of Bethlehem, visit a family in Nazareth and witness the greatest gift of love ever bestowed on Mankind.”

Take Me Out To The Ball Game

Image: Italy Gladiators Play Ball — On Friday, April 3 from 6-6:30 pm at Davidson Field, baseball fans will be able to enjoy a hot dog and Crackerjacks for a special price.  Also, drawings for prizes will be included.  Local businesses will be honored as well.  Come on out and enjoy the game!

Friday, April 3, the spectators at the next Gladiator ball game at Davidson Field are in for a treat! If you love prizes, hotdogs and baseball, you can get a wonderful snack for $1, along with a box of Crackerjacks. Why not?

Waxahachie woman understands cancer first hand

Image: Irma Gonzales —  Irma has Italy connections – her sister, Debbie lives here and Chris Gonzales, an IHS graduate is her nephew.

Irma Gonzales will never forget May 11, 2006. It was the day that changed her life forever. It was the day the doctor told her she had Stage II cancer. She did not feel bad nor did she have any symptoms other than a small lump on the right side of her neck. A CT scan confirmed what the doctor suspected. Irma had cancer of the tongue that had spread to her lymph nodes.

Abbott Metal Craft

Image: John Abbott — John Abbot is the owner of Abbot Metal Craft, located in Forreston, Texas.

John Abbott is the owner of Abbott Metal Craft located in Forreston, Texas. He began his business in Erie, Michigan in 1978. Abbott’s business consists of making metal products in his welding and machine shop. In 1980 due to the bad economy he closed his business and reopened it in 2006 in Virginia Beach, Virginia. In January of 2009 Abbott moved his business to Forreston.

Shero Award Winner – Kelly Vernon

Image: Kelly Vernon — Kelly Vernon, Shero award winner says, “Never, never, never give up.”

Kelly Vernon, the CBI teacher at Italy High School, was recently honored by the Region 10 Education Center. Kelly was nominated by Italy ISD Special Programs Director Pam Luttrell and was one of 17 ladies being honored with a “Shero” award.

First Baptist Youth Pampered Chef Fundraiser

Image: Delicious Pampered Chef Recipe — Come to Italy First Baptist Church and buy some wonderful Pampered Chef products and help the youth get to camp!

First Baptist Church of Italy is holding a Pampered Chef fundraiser. The monies raised will be used to send the youth to camp. This fundraiser will be on April 4th at 10:00 AM at the First Baptist Church of Italy located at 200 Clark Street, Italy, Texas.

Have you seen our little dog?

Image: Bea is missing — Even the cat, Ted, misses our little Bea.  Please call 469-853-1410 if you have seen her.  We will be very grateful!

On Tuesday, March 24, our little dog escaped the house and left us. Our family misses her very much. She is a small dog with a few copper spots, no tail and copper colored ears. She has a pink plaid collar with rhinestones. She is very sweet and answers to BEA.

Tonight is Relay Night at CiCi’s in Waxahachie

Image: Central Ellis County Relay needs us to show our love — In cooperation with CiCi’s in Waxahachie, Central Ellis County Relay gets 10% on each pizza purchased Tonight, and every Tuesday in the month of April, as long as you leave your receipt. Thank you for caring.

Tonight is Relay Night at CiCi’s in Waxahachie. In fact, Relay Night at CiCi’s will not only be tonight, it will also be every Tuesday in April. If you put your receipt in the jar when you pay then Central Ellis County Relay gets 10% of those receipts.

Ellis County Youth Expo Begins This Week

Image: Pigs in the trailer — Hannah Washinton helps the pigs load into the trailer.  They are all headed to the Expo in Waxahachie for judging on Friday.

Area students from the local 4H club and FFA chapter will converge on the Ellis County Youth Expo in Waxahachie off of 287 today and will show prize winning animals, award winning projects and creative arts through Saturday. Everyone is invited to come see the students and their wonderful projects. Support these students and enjoy the BBQ and the auction on Saturday.

Chemical fire contained in Avalon

Image: Lights from Fire Personnel — Emergency crews lit up the area with lights, while working to contain the fire.

Tonight at approximately 8:30 p.m., emergency personnel from around the county responded to a chemical fire at the Phillip Service Corporation (PSC) plant located in Avalon. Homes had to be evacuated with a couple of Avalon residents taking shelter at the Italy Fire Department. The fire was quickly contained around 9:00 p.m.

Italy High School’s UIL Winners

Image: UIL Medal Winners — Italy HS’s UIL medal winners show off their hardware.

From the past and present seasons of victories in sports, Italy’s academics was out to prove its point, and on March 23 that is exactly what it did. The Gladiators headed to Mexia to compete in the UIL Competitions last Monday and came home with plenty of awards.

IYAA Hosts Basketball Bash

Image: IYAA Recognition Program — Bryce DeBorde literally looks up to his coaches for guidance and instruction this basketball season.  It’s all worth it when you see his face light up when he gets his trophy.

CiCi’s pizza boxes lined the front foyer of Italy’s old gym Saturday afternoon. Italy Youth Athletic Association hosted the end-of-the-year basketball bash for all the participants in this year’s season. With pizza, drinks, cookies and, of course, basketball time, the season just wouldn’t be over without the announcements, trophies and honors.

Lady Gladiators cage the Wampus Cats in five

Image: Striking the Lady Gladiator pose — Catcher, Bailey Bumpus warms-up before the game.

The Lady Gladiators played the Itasca Wampus Cats on Friday evening. The game, scheduled to be played in Itasca, had to be played in Italy. Recent rains caused the Itasca softball field to be unplayable. Regardless of the location the Lady Gladiators took to the field ready to play.

Jonathan McLean loves his job

Image: Jonathan McLean — “I love working with the kids, they are a wonderful group of kids to work with. I fall in love with another group of kids each year. I’m lucky – I get to teach them for 2 years. I can’t see myself working anywhere else but here.”

Jonathan McLean knew at an early age that he wanted a teaching career. Science was his favorite subject in school so it made sense to him to teach it. He started his teaching career at Stafford Elementary teaching fifth and sixth grade science and has been teaching there for three years. “I can’t see myself working anywhere but here,” said McLean.

Survivor Search Underway

The Relay For Life Central Ellis County is fast approaching. It will be held on May 15 & 16, 2009 at Lumpkins Stadium in Waxahachie and a search to find all cancer survivors is underway. The event begins at 7:00 p.m. with the celebration of the Survivors’ Lap.

Clyde Ferrell entertains residents with song

Image: Clyde Ferrell — Clyde Ferrell comes several times a year to entertain the residents of Trinity Mission.

It was a hoppin’ and a boppin’ at Trinity Mission Tuesday afternoon around two o’clock. Some residents could be seen dancing to Clyde Ferrell’s singing and guitar playing. Clyde even danced with Miss Cullen (one of the residents).

IJH Track, the race is on…

Image: Ryisha and Corl — Meet 7th Grade Tracksters, Ryisha and Corl. Matching custom tanks, $20.00.  Hair ribbons, $3.00. Friends for life, Priceless.

One thing is for sure, the coaching staff at Italy High School is passionate about their sports. And Coach Robert Sollers as well as the other track coaches are no different. With Italy’s track season underway, Coach Sollers wanted to let all the fans know how well the teams have finished.

Focused on the Playoffs

Image: Focus — The Lady Gladiators are doing all they can to keep their eye on the prize….the playoffs!

Last night the Lady Gladiator Softball team hosted the Covington Lady Owls in Italy’s first district softball game of the season. Our Ladies made short work of the game winning by run-rule in the 5th inning. The Lady Gladiators seemed to be “Focused on the Playoffs.”

IHS Junior Parent Meeting

Tonight, March 23, at 7:30 p.m. there will be a Junior Parent Meeting in the Italy High School Library. The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss graduation requirements, dual credit courses, ACT and SAT testing and college preparation. All parents/guardians of current 11th grade students at Italy High School are urged to attend.

Jerry Don Smithey to be honored

Image: Distinguished Citizen-Jerry Don Smithey

The Hubbard Chamber of Commerce will recognize Jerry Don Smithey, a 1979 graduate of Italy High School, at its 20th annual Chamber Banquet which will be held on Saturday, March 28, 6:00 p.m. at the Haralson Family Life Center in Hubbard.

Obituary: John Ernest Phillips, 1939 – 2009

Image: John Phillips  — 1939 – 2009

John Ernest Phillips was born on a farm near Italy, Texas on April 10, 1939, died on March 20, 2009 in Dallas, Texas. John moved to Levelland, Texas as a boy, with his parents and older brother.